! Under Construction, use at own risk !

Updated : Mar.15,1999

Message of the day :

    Stability Problem fixed !

    It's me again. Seems as if I now have solved the mysterious negative VSync instability problem. All you have to do (starting from my V1.1 plans) is to replace R1 and R3 (around Q1) by ~4.7kOhms. As a quick fix, 10k in parallel to R1 (100k) should already do the trick.

    I have already updated the parts list, updated plans for Rev 1.2 will be here soon.

    Having brushed up a little my discrete electronics this weekend, I now know that 100k for R1 was far too much to allow Q1 to recover from saturation fast enough. Effect was that the falling edge of the input signal was flattened to ~3-4us, like (excuse for the ASCII plots, read '-' as +Vb, '_' as GND)) 
    which makes this edge a lot more sensitive to noise. Reducing R1 to 4k7 now gives a perfect square pulse, and a perfect stable output signal.

    Due to my auto-polarity ciruit, and since the PLL locks to the rising edge of its input signal, this effect obviously is only on negative Vsync input :

    Pol.  Input  after Q1  PLL inp.

    (+) __|-|__   --|_/--    __|-\__

    (-) --|_|--   __/-|__    __/-|__

    Jaroslav Groman@post.cz already built my V 1.1 controller and noticed that the output impedance of the Vsync output can be too high for certain monitors to recognize the sync pulses. I suggested he should try to add a diode parallel to R14 ( ) to ensure the output is pulled low, but he didn't respond yet.
    He also crticized that in L/R control mode, one of the glasses stays dark when no signal is received, which might damage the LCDs. I found that the spare monoflop on the 4538 and some re-wiring could add a loss-of-signal detector that switches both glasses clear, but I think I will care for the line-blanking add-on first.

Multi-purpose Controller for LCD shutter glasses


Operation :

Future Plans :


The circuit was designed with the Light version of EAGLE CAD from CADSoft.