Early Design of the 'Vanguard' Satellite

Less Frames


(click on small images for hi-res version)

Original Image, from the January 1956 issue of
'Popular Science Monthly' (finally got it, and even in colour !)

According to the article, at least 3 of these models were built by Mr. Herbert R.Pfister, associate editor of PSM, after consultation with scientists from the U.S: National Committee for the International Geophysical Year (IGY), for PSM, New York's Hayden Planetarium and the IGY Committee's Washington office.

An almost exact German translation of this article was published in the May 1956 issue of 'Hobby-Das Magazin der Technik' (a German counterpart of PSM)

Popular Science Satellite Model

Another reference, published in 1956 in the book "Projekt Vorhut" (="Project Vanguard") by German science journalist Werner Buedeler

'This photo shows the satellite sphere, sitting on top of the third stage. Inside the satellite, which in reality will not be transparent, you can see sensors and telemetry equipment'

Image of the same model, published in 1979 in the book 
"Geschichte der Raumfahrt" by the same author

'Early model of a satellite, presented by the USA in preparation for the International Geophysical Year and later - though heavily changed - implemented by the VANGUARD satellite'

Same picture (though they aibrushed the supporting hand out of it) was also in the article 'Projekt Vorhut – An der Grenze des Weltraums' ('Project Vanguard - at the frontier of space') by Heinz Gartmann, published in 'Das Neue Universum' Vol. 73, Stuttgart/Germany 1956 (which also had the MOUSE pictures)

For more Vanguard links, see my other page : Vanguard later