The Start of the Space Age - Early Satellite Designs

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(under construction - click on small images for detailed pages)

'A picture tells more than a thousand words' – OK, thousands of words have already been written on these subjects, and are easily available via the Internet (see links on the following pages), so I'm going to focus on presenting some pictures that I have found in old (or hard-to-get) books and magazines or from other kind people. Don't know how long it takes for copyrights to expire, so I just hope the original holders at least don't mind...

The 'MOUSE' Project

(Minimum Orbited Unmanned Satellite of the Earth)

An early desgin stage of the 'Vanguard' project

Presented in late 1955 or early 1956 in preparation for the International Geophysical Year 1957/58

The Vanguard Project in a more advanced state,

presented by the director of the Vanguard Project, Dr. John P. Hagen in December 1956

Sputnik 1, 
The First Artificial Satellite of the Earth 

Launched by the USSR on Oct.4,1957

'Sputlights' - The 'Light side' of Sputnik

Hoaxes, Misconceptions,. Propaganda and the like