Some assorted Pictures

Less Frames


'Grobschnitt' – a famous German Rock band of the late 70's/early 80's (well, maybe not THAT famous, at least not as much as they would have deserved...) and still one of my favourites.

I had the chance to visit one of their concerts at Kiel (Germany) in 1983, and it had everything they were famous for – solid music, great show with comedy, custumes, fireworks and all that stuff, and all that for three hours or more...

Here you will find some of the pictures I took that night (OK, not the best quality, since my camera was not the best those days...). Note that I didn't bother here to make thumbnails for overview, so the page with all those pictures may take some time to load – hmm, yes, and I also slightly violated my page desgin rules... ;-)

For more information about Grobschnitt, here is a link to the (almost) official Grobschnitt Homepage (sorry, all in German)

With so many regulars at *.comp.scanner newsgroups ranting against the quality of the results from built-in transparency adaptors of flatbed scanners, I finally decided to make and publish some test scans.

These images were made with a AcerScan Prisa 620 UT, a 600x1200 dpi USB scanner with large built-in transparency adaptor, which comes for a price that other companies will charge you for their add-on transparency adaptors alone (not affiliated, just a satisfied customer...)

Don't know if these pictures help very much in deciding for or against some equipment – just have a look when interested...